Artemisia Love

Artemisia Love

  • 7 videos

Artemisia Love

Up For One Or It'S A Double Deal? 1

up for one or it's a double deal?

6867 views 55m 47s

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Having Fun In This Movie Night? 2

having fun in this movie night?

3774 views 33m 6s

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He Makes Me Feel A Warm Welcome 3

he makes me feel a warm welcome

1116 views 37m 31s

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Time To Train The Lazy Cumsters 4

time to train the lazy cumsters

1203 views 27m 58s

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You Just Have To Enjoy The Moment Sometimes 5

you just have to enjoy the moment sometimes

1168 views 12m 42s

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A No-Brainer Choice 6

a no-brainer choice

1077 views 39m 44s

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Proper Payment For The Car 7

proper payment for the car

1427 views 28m 27s

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